Sending an opt-in mailer for GDPR compliance

As part of complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),  which comes into force on May 25th 2018. You may need to send an email to your contacts asking for their consent to continue receieving your newsletters. Here is a guide, on how you can do so on extenso.

Identify the contacts that are based in the EU:

GDPR specifically applies to contacts that are based in the EU. If you do not already have a custom group set up, you can auto generate an EU target group by using our ‘Regions’ auto build feature.

See video example

Note: Only your contacts that have ‘Country’ populated will be grouped

Generate a Plain-Text newsletter with the GDPR OptIn link:

 Create a Plain-Text newsletter as you would normally...
           Newsletter > Create Newsletter > Select ‘Plain-text Newsletter’
See video example:

Enter your message on the Plain-Text newsletter, using the Intro/Outro text boxes. Then place tag [double_opt_in_button] where you would like the ‘Opt In’ button to appear.

Note: Opt In button will not appear for test mails generated by ‘Send Test’, you’ll need to continue and send the newsletter to your own or seed (internal contacts) email address.

Send your GDPR Optin mailer to your EU Contacts (or custom group):

Once you’re ready to send click ‘Continue’.

On the ‘Set up your newsletter’ page. You can select who you want to send the newsletter to by selecting ‘Send to customised list’ and then clicking Click here to add contacts’.

On ‘Choose lists’ pop up window, select ‘Choose region’ and add ‘EU’. Alternatively, you can send to your own custom group, if you have them set up.

See video example:

Fill in the remaining details and hit send!.

You can see who has opted in when you view a customer card.

Note: We will be adding additional filtering and targeting features based on double optin, so that youwill be able to handle your lists and marketing in accordance to GDPR.

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